Feedback on plays a HUGE role since it’s the only thing that can tell you about ACTUAL delivery speed, REAL product quality and how COMPETENT the seller is.
Personally, I ALWAYS read reviews for the item before I buy it. AliExpress sellers can lie and sugarcoat, but people who have received and evaluated the item have no reason to do it.
What they do have, however, is reasons to leave a review, especially an impartial one. Those reasons may vary from venting their frustration with the seller to showing off the good deal they got.
That’s why in this article we will discuss:
- How to write your review on Aliexpress
- How to leave feedback for a completed order
- How to write an additional review for an order
- How to leave feedback for an item you haven’t received
- How to give feedback to the AliExpress team
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How to write a review on AliExpress?
It’s not hard to write a review after making a purchase on Aliexpress, but it does have its interesting moments.
To start writing a review on an item, first you need to confirm that you have received it. You can do it by clicking the CONFIRM GOODS RECEIVED button.
After that, you will be redirected to the next page where you need to select the item and click the Confirm Goods Received button again.
After that, you will see the page where you can leave a review of the item you purchased on Aliexpress.
Here you can reward it stars for quality of the delivery and the product. Above the form where you can write the review, you can leave a general score for the seller and the item.
Be careful! Tick off the “Leave Feedback as Anonymous” if you don’t want other customers on Aliexpress to know your information and ask you questions about the item.
Write everything you need about the item: how quickly it arrived, how good its quality is, it will REALLY help other customers when they are shopping for similar goods.
Below the feedback form, you can clarify what satisfied and dissatisfied you about your order, for example:
How satisfied are you with the store’s service?
How fast did the seller ship the order?
The seller’s total score and the product’s rating will be based on your review and if they score poorly, it will send them to the back of search result list next time someone looks for a similar product, making them harder to find.
You don’t have to write reviews, we all get caught up in things, but then a month later the seller will automatically receive a 5 star score for your order. Not a problem if it was a good item, but what if it wasn’t?
Looks like by leaving honest reviews we make shopping on Aliexpress safer and more convenient for all. If people didn’t leave reviews, it would be a little scary to shop on the platform, especially for expensive goods.
How to leave feedback for a completed order?
Sometimes we don’t have the time or the energy to write a review immediately after we receive the item. Alternatively, you might have decided to use it first and test its quality before writing a review. Can you do that? Yes, you can, and sometimes you should!
After the order is closed, you will have 30 days to leave your feedback. You can see the GIVE FEEDBACK button in your Aliexpress profile:
You can click on that button to leave the review.
That’s how you can leave a review on Aliexpress after the order has been closed, as you can see it’s no problem at all. However, in case 30 days have passed and you didn’t have the time to write a review, there’s sadly no way you can do it after that.
How to write an additional review on AliExpress?
Sometimes we write a positive review because we haven’t noticed a manufacturing defect or the item broke later and now we want to edit the review we wrote before, can we do that? No, you cannot edit the review you left before, but you can write an additional review for it.
To do that we open our profile, go to MY ALIEXPRESS – MANAGE FEEDBACK and open the REVIEWS BY YOU tab:
You have 30 days to reply to feedback after you write the original feedback. A very useful tool, I myself have been in a situation when the item looked good at first a few times. Happily, I left a positive review and a couple of days later realized I got tricked. Now you can at least get back at the seller.
How to leave feedback for an item you haven’t received?
Actually, in this case it’s up to you. If you’re dealing with a good seller, you have bought from them before and this time is not their fault, leave them a five star score, but write that you haven’t received the item.
However, not to take all responsibility off the seller, you can give them one star for delivery speed since technically the time of delivery got extended to infinity.
In case you are SURE the seller is a fraud, leave them a bad review and give them one star rating to help other customers not to fall for their trap. It might also motivate the seller to go good honest work in the future.
How to leave feedback or a suggestion for AliExpress?
Today Aliexpress has a special form where you can leave your feedback or a suggestion for the creators and managers of the platform:
There are unusual cases when you can’t leave your feedback, but it hasn’t happened to me yet. In case you have experienced this, please share with us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have in the comments too.
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